Sunday, August 23, 2009

The Moment

I come out of my college. It’s a beautiful day. The sun is shining lightly through the trees and the breeze feels so good. I walk to my favourite spot under the tree and sit down with my guitar. The metal strings feel warm against the finger tips. The wood feels light and delicate. I strum and the six distinct notes ease me into their feel. I close my eyes and start playing. I pace up with the wind, and mellow down with the falling leaves. I feel ecstatic !! The crisp sound of the guitar keeps me going and has hypnotized me. I hear footsteps, yet I carry on. And then, I hear a welcome voice sing along. I open my eyes and we exchange smiles mid-song. Another friend joins in with his guitar and we keep playing, dividing our parts yet keeping the song together. The three of us sway to the rhythm and the feel builds up.

By now, everyone is around us. Everyone is smiling :)

We carry on, looking at each other. Having fun, letting others join in. We even slow down to let our musically challenged friends sing their part :P By song end, everyone applauds. Not for me, not for others but for the sheer brilliance of the moment; the connection that was made by a simple song which will soon be forgotten and replaced.

“Lunch ?! “
“ Yeah sure ! Where to ? “
“ We have an hour, so we can go to a nice place today.”

14 year old me wouldn’t have believed had he seen a glimpse of what his life is today :)


  1. That was brilliant Arjun.. Just the whole thought... drifts the person and takes him/her right to the spot under that tree.. humming,, enjoying, and in the end.. applauding the greatness of the moment :)

  2. :) Thanks a lot Matti :) I didn't know you read it !! Thank you so much :)
