Saturday, December 5, 2009


What we know about time is that it is never there. Every moment is a grain of sand trickling from our hand into oblivion. We don't have time for us. I don't have time for me. Everyday is spent making plans with friends, family.
A day off is what I need. A day completely dedicated to me. I have a lot of stuff to think about. A lot to sort. My goals and dreams are all entwined. I need time to sort them out. I can't differentiate between what I want and what I need. Sometimes I feel like running as fast as I can and the next impulse is to sit down and shut down the world around me. My emotions are volatile. I need to set them right. I need myself but I am too busy with the people around me.
I need to think about what happened. I can't push it aside anymore. My philosophies are haunting me. They need to be tamed. Some of them need to go. I need to think without music. Music negotiates emotions. I have to end all distractions. I need a new plan to live. I have been trawling on for a long time now. I have no line I am treading. Everyday is just like the other.

I am dominated by 'I'.

I need to repair myself. I need to confess to Me the assumptions on which I have based my theories and strengthened my resolve. I need Time.