Monday, May 2, 2016

Just about anyone can make you laugh honey, its the ones that don't make you cry that are worth fighting for

Are you reading this?

I don't know where to begin but I know there is a lot on my mind. It has been a while since I wrote anything and my thoughts are rusty. This may help lift the cloud.

I find myself to be an extremely lucky person. I believe I have everything that one needs to lead a happy and fulfilling life. I have great friends, a loving family and a girlfriend I can't describe in words. Life has been going great for me and I don't think I can point my finger at anything that I'd like to change.

Over the past year, I have discovered a lot about myself. I have discovered the true sense of morality, respect, and friendship. I have learned about people, and I have tried to make sense of how people think. I have also discovered how true love can be, and the power it holds. Love isn't about dates and pillow talk, it is much more. It is a silent yet brilliant ray of sunshine that guides you forward. I believe I am in the possession of such love, and I feel humbled in its presence. 

Saturday, April 30, 2016

I don't work hard so that I can buy a big car for us. I work hard to buy us time. Time, that cannot be touched by worries. I want to give myself to you. 


Love is chemistry. You come in contact with millions of people, and only the right one is the catalyst that gets your heart racing. Everyone else is radioactive waste.