Wednesday, August 12, 2009


I had a rough day today. The heat, the sweat, the truck-load of work, was too much to handle. I was walking on this dusty road, thinking about all the corny jokes we friends made today, the talk I had on the phone with another friend, the 4 years of studies ahead of me, the career that will be a constant struggle, the open field where I had once made an imaginary house with my ex- 'soulmate', the trust and faith my parents have in me, the friend who I offended with my words, the 'forgotten' promise made to my brother... I closed my eyes to think, I just couldn't open them.. They were so heavy..

The next step landed on hard stone, I jolted back to conciousness to find myself standing on a cliff at midnight. The faint moonlight bounced off the surface of the black ocean that frothed below me. The sound of the waves crashing on the rocky shore drowned all remorse. The cold ocean wind eased out the frown that had stayed on for days.. I was awestruck.

The ocean looked so inviting. The thought of breaking the icy surface and the rush of life before it was the feeling I was craving for. The distant horizon blending in with the blue night sky beckoned me to reach for it. I opened my arms wide and closed my eyes. Only this time, I didn't want to open them.

I look at the ocean, and I know this is it. I know there is no stopping me. There is not a soul in sight. The only sound I hear is the soft rustle of the trees behind me and the crisp waves crashing on the stones.. I jumped..

My knees hit the dusty road. A car honks loudly as it rushes by. The guy on the bicycle gives me a weird look when he sees me kneeling. I get up, brush the dust off and turn back to go.. I want to look back, but I can't stand the thought of losing that moment of solitude in a cloud of dust.

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